Happy Thanksgiving
Together, these two yarns are making a nice, soft, fluffy scarf. This is Symphony in magenta by Red Heart and Micro Spun in turquoise by Lion Brand.
Looking over my last couple of posts I'm thinking, you must be thinking, "ok Pam, where are all these scarves?". I have started scarves with all the yarn I've showed you, and I will be posting pictures soon. I'm really enjoying myself making all these scarves, but I know for some of you this is probably boring. I'm more into all the lovely yarns, and scarves simply give me something to make with it. lol
So, for those of you who live in the USA, how's your Thanksgiving going? I'm having a nice day. My turkey is in the oven, so the house smells good, I'm drinking eggnog, and after I'm done with this post, I'm going to settle in with my crochet until it's time to make the rest of the meal.
For those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you're having a wonderful day too.
For those of you who are offended by Thanksgiving, I do apologize if anything I say on my blog offends you. It's my understanding that we were friends with the Indians when we enjoyed that first feast together with the Indians. The trouble didn't start until after that. If I am wrong (and I could be), please feel free to leave a comment explaining. Do not spam me with ignorance . . . educate me.